These reflector holders Designed to support collapsible reflectors. The armis telescopic, and will take various size reflector panels from 22" to 58" (FH-2258) or 25" to 66" (FH-2566). They also come mounted on a swivel ball forpositioning, and a 5/8" female socket.The collapsible Reflector Holders are with spring clips and have a pivotmount for a light stand, and end clips to hold a reflector.
FH2258: 22"-58"/56-148cm
FH2566: 25"-66"/63-168cm
Specification :
It includes an extension arm up to 148cm/168cm
Consists of 3 sections
Swivel ball attachment with a 5/8" female receiver for a light stand
Easy to setup and use
Product Detail